In the last few months I've found myself on the west coast twice. Once on a trip up the coast from
LA to San Fransisco and most recently on a trip from Vancouver to Victoria to Tofino (a place I find hard to believe is actually in Canada).
So you can just quickly scan the photos, here's the recap of the adventure: Vancouver was full of new friends. MS had recently moved there and had a bunch of friends over for the long weekend. As you can imagine, there was clothing and product covering all open spaces in the 1 bedroom apartment. It didn't help that on 2 separate occasions we all went to the Aritzia Warehouse sale where I landed some amazing clothes at unreal prices. A $175 dress for $35. J Brand jeans for $30. I was in clothing heaven. I spent a lot of time wandering the city, renting a bicycle to cycle the entire outskirts of Stanley Park (highly recommended), eating delicious food and catching up with
The Stunt Man over $5 caesars.
I landed up taking the ferry to Victoria to see DI (great friend and former Uni roommate) and explore Victoria, BC. Truthfully, I knew very little about the city. I walked a lot, ate some pretty good food, drank too much coffee and landed up using my umbrella just about as much as I thought I would. They were not lying when they said it rains a lot in the west.
The last stop of my adventure was a quick roadtrip to Tofino.
I'm in love. Tonfio is Canada's heaven on earth. Beachy, adorable, not much to do.
The good life. DI and I both purchased books from the
local book store. I picked up The Wolf of Wall Street (soon to be a movie). It's wild. We didn't end up surfing, but did manage an afternoon beachside. And we went camping.
In a tent.
Then, all the sudden it was an entire week and a few days later and we were driving back to the airport at 5:30am. A wonderful adventure. Now I understand:
West coast, best coast. So, without hesitation:
Finds from the Aritzia Warehouse sale

There was about 500 of these racks full of clothing.

Victoria, BC
A solo lunch adventure

Super healthy road trip food!
This was about 2.5 hours into the drive, also the 14th time listening to Kendrick Lamar's Swimming Pools

The "
look out" point.
Best coast may just be the west coast.