I am officially out of my University city/ home for 4 years. I spent a week packing/ getting rid of the majority of my life and on Saturday night at midnight/ Sunday morning I packed it all into my dad's truck and said goodbye to some of my best friends.
In December I sent an e-mail to my core group of Friends... the "Family" as we have called ourselves... about making scrapbooks. As creative as I am, I am generally unmotivated when it comes to making pages for myself so the e-mail asked everyone if they a)wanted to make one or b) would make pages for those that did. I waited and heard back from 2 of them.
Flash forward several months and the scrapbooks are now complete. I guess everyone jumped on board and were totally excited to see what each other would write. None of the guys made them, but they all wrote pages for the one that did! It looks so great and I'm going to miss them all so much.
I've moved so many times but this time was by far the hardest. I am so grateful for the Internet!
Anyway, that is sad so on to some exciting stuff:
I am going (I think on Friday) shopping in Toronto for some work clothes... somehow over the year my nice clothes become casual clothes and are no longer appropriate for work. I guess this is good because it means a few new things for the office! I scored a sweet summer job as a research assistant (yes, I have a degree in English Lit and Cultural Studies and am now working in the medical field...) and I'm very very excited for it!
I am starting to write a book.. I've got some characters, plot and such--- will keep you updated as I write more! I hope to one day be on some one's summer read list!!
I must cut this short to get to sleep but I will post soon.
The Final Freezerfest...
Monday, April 21, 2008

3 years ago me and my housemates decided that we would throw a dinner party to rid ourselves of all the food left in our freezer. We were in second year then and we were still unsure how to shop for ourselves (they don't teach that in University!). We sent out e-vites and Freezer-fest began!
The first year consisted of disgusting food that no one wanted-- cans of veggies, KD, various meat products etc. It was disgusting! but we hold dinner for the company and not necessarily the food!
The second time we had it, it was still on the verge of disgusting, but getting better. We were all getting older (and perhaps slightly more wise with our food purchasing selection)...
The third (and perhaps final) Freezer Fest was like a gourmet meal. I guess when people ask me what I learned in University, I can say "how to make delicious food out of junk in the freezer". This years food consisted of shish kabobs, pizza, Spanish rice with veggies, doughnuts, and (because we still need to be a little gross) beans and wieners!
It was a great way to end off the Family dinner we have been having since the first freezerfest at 354!
As of yesterday I was officially done my undergrad! Now I've got about 8 months to kills before my next Uni starts.. what to do...
Yours in delicious food,
Perez hearts Canadians
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I came home from a long day of walking all over town yesterday to find a very awesome surprise on perezhilton.com. There it was...a photo of the large elephant, me, my friend KP and my little sister M&M featured on the side of the website... call me nerdy, but that was pretty cool.
I found out today that KP had e-mailed it in and Perez had picked it to feature in the "Canada hearts Perez" side bar! Cool, non?
Anyway, I screen captured it-- why not?
Ok, today was a short post but I must study for my one, only and final exam!!!
Yours in gossip,
So now that I'm nearly done...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Today was the day! I have officially handed in my final paper of my undergrad... this means that I am done (except for one exam on the 19th)... yikes! I got up at 5am to edit (probably not the best idea considering I went to sleep at 1am) and was done by 7:30am. Printed it and hopped on the bus with D and M at 8:30 (ok, we ran for the bus in the rain.. but we made it and 'hopped' sounds much more graceful than dashing around people and jumping over puddles!) by 9:20 I was back home in my bed watching mindless television-- because I can!!!
...But now I have no idea what to with myself
I have about a week off and I definitely will not be studying for all that time. Unfortunately, attempting to write my last exam ever is not going to prove to be easy when all I can think about is being done! I must get out of this mind frame! Anyway, now I have loads of time to do thing... I just need to figure out what to do!
Today I tired on a bunch of my clothes to see which ones A. I still like B. still fit and unfortunately they all still fit and I like them all. I think this might be a little more difficult than I had imagined. I might attempt to limit myself to 2 bags, but chances of that happening are pretty slim! I have also found that my shoes are going to take up a LOT of room. So far I have one suitcase filled with them, and about ___ pairs (I don't think I can actually tell you how many I have) scattered around my room! eeek... I hope there is room in my closet at home!
I spent the rest of today hanging out with my friend K. We basically hung around watching TV and ate dinner with D and MD (two of the housemates) ... not a bad afternoon. AND I successfully got ALL of my laundry done-- quite an accomplishment, let me tell you!
I think I am also going to take this opportunity to pick up my girly-shopaholic-like books again. I need a break from the crazy books I had been reading for school. A girl can only handle so many books about Drugs and Alcohol in British Literature!! I think it's time for another Bridget Jones' read! Do you have any good book suggestions???
Oh, I must say I am extremely excited for the 3rd annual FREEZER-FEST which is being held on April 20th this year and will commemorate all of the left behind food in our freezers. We will also take the opportunity to cook all of that food and share it with many of our best friends here. I anticipate this event each year and each year the food gets better and better! mmm...
On that lovely note I must go clean up (shh.. don't tell anyone I actually know how to clean up!)
...But now I have no idea what to with myself
I have about a week off and I definitely will not be studying for all that time. Unfortunately, attempting to write my last exam ever is not going to prove to be easy when all I can think about is being done! I must get out of this mind frame! Anyway, now I have loads of time to do thing... I just need to figure out what to do!
Today I tired on a bunch of my clothes to see which ones A. I still like B. still fit and unfortunately they all still fit and I like them all. I think this might be a little more difficult than I had imagined. I might attempt to limit myself to 2 bags, but chances of that happening are pretty slim! I have also found that my shoes are going to take up a LOT of room. So far I have one suitcase filled with them, and about ___ pairs (I don't think I can actually tell you how many I have) scattered around my room! eeek... I hope there is room in my closet at home!
I spent the rest of today hanging out with my friend K. We basically hung around watching TV and ate dinner with D and MD (two of the housemates) ... not a bad afternoon. AND I successfully got ALL of my laundry done-- quite an accomplishment, let me tell you!
I think I am also going to take this opportunity to pick up my girly-shopaholic-like books again. I need a break from the crazy books I had been reading for school. A girl can only handle so many books about Drugs and Alcohol in British Literature!! I think it's time for another Bridget Jones' read! Do you have any good book suggestions???
Oh, I must say I am extremely excited for the 3rd annual FREEZER-FEST which is being held on April 20th this year and will commemorate all of the left behind food in our freezers. We will also take the opportunity to cook all of that food and share it with many of our best friends here. I anticipate this event each year and each year the food gets better and better! mmm...
On that lovely note I must go clean up (shh.. don't tell anyone I actually know how to clean up!)
An eventful day!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
So the day started with a very VERY chilly Dionysus (a beer garden with live music on campus) which was great... It rained most of it (the weather opts to be nice for one of our two Beer Garden days each year and we had the nice one in the fall, so I suspected it would be crappy!) but that just meant no lines to get beer... I'm not complaining! So we basically drank beer and watched live music! We all ended up waiting for our friend, the Prince Caspian to play his set and it was great-- people were singing along. I attempted to film it, but my hand it just not steady enough to hold it on one place! oh well, it was still great!!! We stayed for a while and then went home to get dressed for the night!
4 years ago I never thought last night would come, and now it passed before I knew it. I keep saying, where did the last 4 years go? and no one I ask can seem to find them either. Last night was my College graduation dinner and after serving at the last 3, I knew what to expect, but it still hit me pretty hard-- I am done, forever.
As sad as I am, it was actually a great night. My housemate M and I did a toast to the College... we opted to go for a silly speech rather than a sad one because we knew our friends would be making speeches that made us cry already! So with the help of our housemate D. we compiled our thoughts and memories from the last 4 years and put them into one 10 minute speech, complete with a skit and a bun fight! It went extremely well and people laughed (and no one cried!)-- it was perfect!
Our former head don and friend also flew in from Newfoundland to be there with us, which was a surprise (a great one!) ... it was so nice to see him again!
That night (well, directly after) we headed to the Piggy (our favourite hangout spot/ tavern in town) and had beer and played PINGO (bingo!)... then headed to the dance bar, but D. and I only ended up staying for a bit! We ended up walking our friend J. home who had to remove her heels and wear D's sneakers home... it was quite the sight!
All and all it was a great day and night... I still can't believe it's over! 4 years!!! I feel like I started Uni yesterday... and now, here I am. Wow.
Ok, classes might be over but I still have TWO essays due this week coming up... So I best be getting those done!
Yours in Champlain ,
4 years ago I never thought last night would come, and now it passed before I knew it. I keep saying, where did the last 4 years go? and no one I ask can seem to find them either. Last night was my College graduation dinner and after serving at the last 3, I knew what to expect, but it still hit me pretty hard-- I am done, forever.
As sad as I am, it was actually a great night. My housemate M and I did a toast to the College... we opted to go for a silly speech rather than a sad one because we knew our friends would be making speeches that made us cry already! So with the help of our housemate D. we compiled our thoughts and memories from the last 4 years and put them into one 10 minute speech, complete with a skit and a bun fight! It went extremely well and people laughed (and no one cried!)-- it was perfect!
Our former head don and friend also flew in from Newfoundland to be there with us, which was a surprise (a great one!) ... it was so nice to see him again!
That night (well, directly after) we headed to the Piggy (our favourite hangout spot/ tavern in town) and had beer and played PINGO (bingo!)... then headed to the dance bar, but D. and I only ended up staying for a bit! We ended up walking our friend J. home who had to remove her heels and wear D's sneakers home... it was quite the sight!
All and all it was a great day and night... I still can't believe it's over! 4 years!!! I feel like I started Uni yesterday... and now, here I am. Wow.
Ok, classes might be over but I still have TWO essays due this week coming up... So I best be getting those done!
Yours in Champlain ,
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