As you can probably imagine, I spend hours searching for shoes. The have to look good, feel right and be in my sorta kinda price range... it takes me ages to find ones that I love! I generally work like this is all aspects of my life. It takes me a long time to pick clothes for the day, find jobs that I find interesting, even pick a
restaurant! But sometimes, you just stumble upon something
that's so good, you can't help but instantly like it. That's called an
instant, and it happened to me while watching OLN!
My latest
instant is an amazing TV show on
OLN. It's called
Departures and it follows two hilarious Canadian boys, Scott and Justin, and their camera man, Andre (you can't forget about him!) on their year long adventure around the world. They stop in places like Japan, New Zealand & the Ascension Island where they take in the nature, surrounds and culture that each places has to offer. They also do lots of wild things, as you can imagine 20- something boys would do! (You'll have to watch to see those) There are many memorable moments from the New Zealand leg of the adventure-- Christmas in the mountains (SNOW!), skydiving (the views were unreal to see on the TV!) (see the picture above... I borrowed it from the
facebook group, aptly named
Departures ). The Ascension islands had them hurling themselves down the side of mountains and throwing paint on a rock (I guess they are never going back?!). Japan had them filing the gas car with diesel ("did you smell it?"). Their other stops in Jordan, India, Canada, Thailand, Cambodia and the Cook Islands showed the viewers how different our very small world is.
This show comes highly recommend, so watch it if you are able to get
Tivo it, tape it-- do people still use tapes?). Like a good pair of shoes, a good TV show is hard to come by! So what are you waiting for? GO WATCH