I checked my camera and the last photo I took was of Jack Johnson at Bluesfest. This is slightly embarrassing as I was going to try and take "
an awesome photo everyday"... oops. I need to get on that, again! 2 months left of this Australian adventure (I mean Australian
educational adventure. Right, yes. That's what I meant!).
Instead, here's a few highlights of the past 10 months:
When we we're all looking for apartments it was a little rushed: We had about 3 days in our motel and then we had to get out because they were booked (wtf?
Thanks, Griffith). So, I found a place down Surfers/ Broadbeach way, Greg was in central Surfers, Deb on Chevron and Chris' landed an amazing place with
THIS view:
It was one of the best views but I ruined it because we looked at a place in Q1... sigh...
A bit into our first term, the Uni put on this massive day aptly called Race Day. I guess they do race days here (think Kentucky Derby) but with heaps more goon (boxed wine) and beer and a lot less horses. Well, there
were horses but I don't think I saw a race...
I managed to find some awesome roommates who brought me along with them on some fun adventures. One of my favourite was the Currmbin outdoor film festival- "In the Bin":
They actually took me along when they went to see "The Princess Bride" too, when the Brisbane International Film Festival hosted "BIFF in the 'burbs"... ah, Laura and Alex- you're the best!
I missed the boat (literally) when I didn't tag along on the Reading Week Whitsundays adventure. My OSAP hadn't come in and I hadn't got a job at that point... ahh, no money! So instead, I stuck around the Gold Coast and hung out with the few people that were still around! I got the invite from Bryan to climb Mt. Warning- a decision I'm sure he regretted later...
Here's Bry as far up the mountain as we got. No one told me there was rock climbing involved... Sorry about that, Bry! (and thanks for not leaving me at the side of the mountain)
I did a little volunteering in my first term with The Argus, Griffith's online photojournalism paper. The perks:
I was practically in the race. It's something I'll never do again... plus there were way too many bogans for my liking at the GP, but hey, you only live once!
Around Christmas time, Laura, Alex, Heiko and I did a little Santa on the beach photo shoot:
This will probably be my best Christmas card, ever.
Another highlight was Big Day Out. It's basically just a massive one day concert with every type of music you could imagine. And
THOUSANDS of your closest friends. A perfect musically inspired day!
Then I did a bunch of travels outside of the Gold Coast. Those I've either recapped or I'll recap later.
Back to the Gold Coast and I found a new place:
For all of you that have known me, you'll be impressed that I managed to bring my "cougar den" duvet to Australia with me. I've owned this since pre-undergrad! Somehow I managed to make room for it in my suitcase (
impressive, no?)
This term I really stepped up the studying and managed to swing not one, but
TWO offices. One at Uni and the other, here:
Tough, tough,
TOUGH life. I really do get heaps of reading done on this beach. It's 100 steps from my apartment door to the beach. Can't beat that!
St. Patty's day rolled around and Helena and I decided to throw a massive (for our apartment) booze filled (
hello, it's St. Patty's day) party. Heaps of people showed up and good fun was had:

Becca, Brandon, Me, Sheldon, Marion
For all of you that don't know, I excel in both beer pong and flip cup, so if you are ever looking for a team member, give me a ring!
*This flip cup table also doubles as my home office...
I rarely bring my camera when I go anywhere in Surfers. It's pretty much the same all the time, plus it's only good when I'm feeling photogenic! This was someone's going away party, so I brought my camera and managed to get a few pictures. Ignore me in the picture... it's really just to show the amazing guys (J, S, B, and T) I spend the majority of my time with. Notably missing are Becca (see flip cup image above) and Kristin:
Me, Jeff, Sheldon, Jarod, Brandon, Tom
They are heaps of fun. I will really miss them.
Later in the second term some awesome Canadians thew a boat party that took everyone to Straddy Island for the day:
picture perfect.
Here's my roomie, Helena and I on the Staddy boat at 10am. I guess they can legally sell booze that early. Good to know!
and one final image for this time:
BUMBLES! This is by far my favourite breakfast spot in all of the Gold Coast (maybe, dare I say:
ever) It's heaps expensive, but it's delcious. So so delicious!
I think I've posted most of my fun images past this point. That being said, I'll start bring my camera with me more...
... 2 more months!