Time Flies...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

They say time flies when you're having fun-- who knew it would fly when you're also doing nothing! The past 3 weeks have been pretty dull... back to 8-4 work! Ugh! It's not bad but I'm now going to the gym for 6AM! I haven't seen the '5' on my clock in a long time, but it feels good to be up and working out again! The $50 a month is pretty motivating to go too! The only problem is that I'm in bed at 10pm!!!

Ok, On to the fun stuff:

My boring life if getting UNBORING!

This weekend I'm off to the ol' Uni town for J's birthday party and the Sex and the City premiere and the pre/ after

Should be loads of fun!

Then NEXT Wednesday I'm off to Graduate back in Ptown and then that weekend I'm going to the GTA for two Grad parties with my amazing school friends!

I really need to get a cute grad dress, but I think I might be looking at wearing a dress I already own-- how boring! What should I wear???

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm YAY GRADUATION!!!!!

    And good for you for going to the gym... I think about going to the gym... and that is my exercise. haha


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